Friday, March 28, 2008

RMON (Remote Monitoring) continue...

As this list shows, RMON provides a greater deal of functionality compared to SNMP. It allows for the collection of statistical data from all levels of the OSI reference model, including applications at the top in RMON2.

Because Ethernet and Token-Ring networks operate in a fundamentally different way, additional groups are defined in RFC 1513 that are specific to Token-Ring networks:

Alarms and Events

Internet 2010

RMON agents can be programmed to take actions when specific things happen on the network. The Alarms and Events groups provide an important intelligence function.

Configuring an alarm consists of specifying a variable to be watched, the sampling interval, and the event that will be performed when a threshold is crossed. The threshold can be a rising or a falling threshold, or both. For example, an alarm can be set to notify you when something begins to go awry, and to tell you when the situation gets better.

An event that is generated by an alarm can be configured to send an SNMP trap message to one or more management consoles, and store the event in the Log Table. The management station can then take the actions it deems necessary, including retrieving information from the Log Table.

Establishing a Baseline

When making decisions on how to set up alarms and the events they generate, you should consider how the network functions normally. First monitor the network using RMON agents over a long period, noting when variations in traffic or errors occur. Make note of any fluctuations that regularly occur for specific dates or for a particular time of day.

Different network segments might require different sampling intervals and thresholds. For example, a local LAN segment might be subject to wide variations depending on only a small number of users, whereas a major backbone might fluctuate much less as traffic from many segments is blended together. When deciding on a sampling period, it's best to use a shorter interval for a segment that experiences frequent fluctuations and a longer interval for a segment that behaves in a more stable manner.

Response to alarms can be in the form of immediate corrective action, as in the case of a defective device, or a long-term solution such as additional capacity or equipment. Regularly review the baseline values you set, and change them as network usage or topology changes. If alarms and events are not configured to reflect activity that is of a genuine concern, network operators might begin to ignore them, much like what happened to the boy who "cried wolf."

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